Sales network
Our sales network is there for you in more than 100 countries. Thanks to our subsidiaries in Bangkok, Beijing, Bogotá, Chicago, Hong Kong, Milan, Mumbai, Parma, São Paulo, Tokyo, and Singapore, as well as our foreign representatives all over the world, we are available wherever you need us.
Thomas Rosolia
Koelnmesse S.r.l.
Viale Sarca 336/F
Edificio 16
20126 Mailand
Tel. +39 02 8696 131
Fax +39 02 8909 5134
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Santiago Gonzalez Mele
SGM Ferias & Servicios, S.L.
Calle Retamar 11
28043 Madrid
Tel. +34 91 3598455
+34 91 7030050
Fax +34 91 3500476
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Erika Enrietti
Cámara de Industria y Comercio Argentino-Alemana
Av. Corrientes 327, piso 23
C1043AAD Buenos Aires
Tel. +54 11 5219 4011
Fax +54 11 5219 4001
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Narineh Azalbar
Global Fairs Ltd.
Baghramyan 59, 17th floor, Unit 124/1
Yerevan / Armenia
Tel. +374 98277006
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Robert Laing
Messe Reps. Pty. Ltd.
P O Box 3125
Queensland 4230,
Tel. +61 427353536
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F. Walter Gesell
Gesell GmbH & Co. KG
Sieveringer Straße 153
1190 Wien
Tel. +43 1 3205037
Fax +43 1 3206344
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Zainab Chhade
IFP Group
IFP - International Fairs & Promotions
3rd floor, PG 1776 Bldg, Sin El Fil/Dekwaneh Blvd.
P.O.Box. 55576
Beirut, Lebanon
Tel. + 961 1 511977 ext 104
+92 42 37 23 84 84
+961 1 511977 Ext 114
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Milind Dixit
Koelnmesse Pvt. Ltd.
611/612, First Floor, Bldg No. 6,
Solitaire Corporate Park, Guru Hargoindji Marg, Chakala
Andheri (East), Mumbai 400093,
Tel. +91 (22) 62044800
+91 22 62044800
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Anastasios Sakellariou
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
Tel. +49 (0)221 821- 2354
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Tobias Fliß
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
Tel. +49 (0)221 821-2986
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Hanna Helten
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
Tel. +49 (0)221 821-2592
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Christian Guarin
Koelnmesse SAS
Carrera 20 # 83a – 22,
Bogota - Colombia
Tel. +57 1 210 9979
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Beni Piatetzky
Koelnmesse Organizacao de Feiras Ltda.
Av. Francisco Matarazzo, 1752, cj 1.704
CEP 05001-200
Sao Paulo/SP
Tel. +55 11 3874 0030
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Iliya Todorov
OnFair Partners Ltd.
Bulgaria Blvd. 110, bl. B, C-29
1404 Sofia
Tel. +359 87 7977 393
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Mette Petersen
Koelnmesse Inc.
8770 West Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 1300
Chicago, IL 60631
Tel. +1 773 326 9920
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Silvia Huang
Koelnmesse Co., Ltd. - Guangzhou Representative Office
Room 2003, Tian An Life Centre, No. 285 Linhe Road (E), Tianhe District,
510600 Guangzhou, P.R.China
Tel. +86 (20) 8755 2468 12
Fax +86 (20) 8755 2970
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Michiel Kruse
Koelnmesse Co., Ltd. - Shanghai Representative Office
Room 2604, 1788 Square, No.1788 Nanjing West Road,
Jing'an District, Shanghai,
Tel. +86 21 6390 6161
Fax +86 21 6390 6858
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Ivy Zhang
Koelnmesse Co., Ltd.
Room 1903, 19th Floor Tower E, Ocean International Center,
210 Ciyunsi Beili, Chaoyang District,
Beijing 100025
PR China
Tel. +86 (10) 6590 7766
Fax +86 (10) 6590 6139
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Marina Chrysostomou
339 Ayiou Andreou str.
Andreas Chamber, 2nd floor, Off. 204
3035 Limassol
Tel. +357 25 589418
Fax +357 25 589296
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Jan Besperát
Výhradní zástupce Koelnmesse pro CR a SR
Sokratova 2043/6
143 00 Praha 4
Tel. +420 602 37 36 78
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Rania Fahmy
German-Arab Chamber of Industry and Commerce
German Industry and Commerce Tower
21 Soliman Abaza Street, off Jameat El Dowal El Arabia St.
Mohandessin - Giza
Tel. +202 3333 8456
Fax +20 (2) 3336 8026
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Daiva Paulauskiene
Consultatio Baltica, UAB
Ateities Str. 56, Bendoriai
LT-14180 Vilnius r.
Tel. +370 5 215 7115
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Charlotte Hugues
Deutsch-Französische Industrie- und Handelskammer
12, rue Chernoviz
75782 Paris Cedex 16
Tel. +33 1 45258211
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Dimitrios Piperoudis
Deutsch-Griechische Industrie- und Handelskammer
Dorilaiou Str. 10-12
11521 Athen
Tel. +30 (210) 641 902 7
Fax +30 210 644 517 5
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Mathias Küpper
Koelnmesse Ltd.
Unit 9102, 9/F,
YF Life Tower,
33 Lockhart Road,
Hong Kong (SAR)
Tel. +852 2511 8117
Fax +852 2511 8100
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Márta Kakuk
H-1138 Budapest
Vizafogó sétány 2/B II/7
Tel. +36 1 240 0810
Fax +36 1 240 0810
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Shailendra Malik
Koelnmesse Pvt. Ltd. - New Delhi Representative Office
207 Rohit House, 3 Tolstoy Marg
New Delhi - 110 001
Tel. +91 11 14664882
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Etty Anggraeni
PT. Traya Eksibisi Internasional
South Quarter Tower A 6th Floor
Jl. RA Kartini Kav. 8 Cilandak Barat
Jakarta Selatan 12430
Tel. +62 2129125577
Fax +62 2129125566
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Narineh Azalbar
Fujan Rahbaran Nami Ltd.
Unit 21, No. 124, Sanaei Avi., Motahari Ave,
Tehran 1586636931
Tel. +98 21 88524240
Fax +98 21 88171261
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Nicholas Fielder
International Business Media Services Ltd.
Rosecroft House
St. Aubyn’s Lane
BH24 3JU
United Kingdom
Tel. +44 (1425) 48 68 30
+44 1425 48 68 30
Fax +44 (1425) 48 68 31
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Arie Marom
Itex International Exhibitions Services Ltd.
3 Nirim St. (Entrance B)
6706040 Tel-Aviv
Tel. +972 3 6882929
Fax +972 3 6883031
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Makoto Takagi
Koelnmesse Co. Ltd.
11F, 3-5-2 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo, 102-0083
Tel. +81 (0)3 5357 1280
Fax +81 (0)3 5357 1281
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Lee Mei Li
Promo Era Sdn Bhd
Lot 8.12, 8th Floor
Wisma Cosway Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel. +603 20316686
Fax +603 20319686
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Roberta Straub
Intermesse Concept SRL
Str. Ion Baiesu nr. 6
077135 Mogosoaia
Tel. +40 314094176
+40 722 238214
Fax +40 314013696
+40 314094176
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Khadija Mahmoudi
Chambre Allemande de Commerce et d'Industrie
Lot. El Manar, Villa 18
Rue Ahmed Ben Taher El Menjra
Quartier El Hank
20160 Casablanca
Tel. +212 522 42 94 20
Fax +212 522 94 81 72
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Robert P. Schotema
RS Vision Expo BV.
Panoven 13
3401 RA IJsselstein
Tel. +31 30 3036450
Fax +31 30 3036456
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Robert Laing
Messe Reps. & Travel
PO Box 26522
Auckland 1344
New Zealand
Tel. + 64 9 212 6200
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Usman Jamil
Liaison Office for Koelnmesse GmbH
Gardee Trust Building,
Napier Road
Lahore 54000
Tel. +92 42 37 23 84 84
Fax +92 42 37 22 01 75
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Florian Gottein
fairs & more Inc. c/o ECCP
19/F, Phil. AXA Life Centre
Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue
cor. Tindalo Street
C.P.O.Box 1302,
Makati City, Metro Manila,
Philippines, 1200
Tel. +632 8845 1324
Fax +632 8845 1395
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Anna Grenke
Przedstawicielstwo Targow Koelnmesse w Polsce Sp. J.
ul. Bagatela 11 lok.7
00-585 Warszawa
Tel. +48 22 848 80 00
Fax +48 22 848 90 11
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Tomasz Jakubaszek
Przedstawicielstwo Targow Koelnmesse w Polsce Sp. J.
ul. Bagatela 11 lok.7
00-585 Warszawa
Tel. +48 22 848 80 00
Fax +48 22 848 90 11
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Jaekeol Jeffrey Yu
Contact for all Trade Fairs outside of Cologne - Global Fairs & Marketing Corp.
A-1517, TERA TOWER 2, 201 Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu,
Seoul, 05854
Republic of Korea
Tel. +82 2 2042 3030
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Jung-Mi Park
Contact for all Trade Fairs in Cologne - Rheinmesse Co., Ltd.
801, Seongsu Hyundai Terrace Tower W Dong, 7,
Yeonmujang 5ga-gil, Seongdong-gu,
04782 Seoul
Tel. +82 2 798 4101
Fax +82 2 798 4383
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Mathias Kuepper
Koelnmesse Pte. Ltd.
152 Beach Road
#24-04 Gateway East
189721 Singapore
Tel. +65 6500 6700
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Knowledge Tenza
Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
No 47, Oxford Road,
Forest Town 2193
P.O.Box 87078
Houghton 2041
Tel. +27 11 4862775
Fax +27 (86) 683 2907
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Wendy Lim
Koelnmesse Representative Office Taiwan
17F No. 97 Songren Rd.
Taipei, Taiwan
Tel. +886 2 7750 5051
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Pansa Supakajornwanich
Expolink Global Network Ltd.
B.B. Building, 10th Floor, Room 1007
54 Sukhumvit 21 (Asoke Rd.)
Klong Toey Nua, Wattana Bangkok 10110
Tel. +66 2 640 8013
Fax +66 2 664 2076
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Jihene Doss-Afrit
Chambre Tuniso-Allemande de l'Industrie et du Commerce
Immeuble le Dome, Rue du Lac Leman
1053 Les Berges du Lac
Tel. +216 71 965280
Fax +216 71 964553
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Demet Tezulas
Tezulas Fuar Dan. Hizm. Ltd. Sti.
Op. Cemil Topuzlu Cad. No: 23/2
34726 Kadıköy - İSTANBUL
Tel. +90 216 385 66 33
Fax +90 216 385 74 00
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Oksana Verkhovodova
Target Exhibitions
21 Mykolaivska St.
Petropavlivska Borshchagivka village, 08129
Tel. +380 67 4050581
Fax +380 44 531 38 30
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María Elizarzú
Cámara de Comercio Uruguayo-Alemana
Plaza Independencia 831 p. 2 of. 201-210
Edificio Plaza Mayor
11100 Montevideo
Tel. +598 2 9011803
Fax +598 2 9085666
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Roman Gabdulshakirov
Inter Dialog ltd
100029, Chimkentskaya street 11/7
Tel. +998 903 454 434 (Roman) +998 903 742 475 (Yuliya)
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Yuliya Vasileva
Inter Dialog ltd
100029, Chimkentskaya street 11/7
Tel. +998 903 454 434 (Roman) +998 903 742 475 (Yuliya)
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Bui Tung Khanh
The North Ltd.
IDC Building, 9 floor, 163 Hai Ba Trung Street, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel. +84 28 3822 7655
Fax +84 28 3822 4775
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