The General Contractual Conditions of Koelnmesse

The central purchasing unit is the main point of contct for all of Koelnmesse's suppliers and service providers. The General Contractual Conditions provide the framework for the purchsing and procurement process.
The General Contractual Conditions of Koelnmesse (.pdf)
General Safety Regulations for external companies (.pdf)
Koelnmesse invites both tender bids for orders where the order value exceeds the threshold value according to EU procurement law as well as voluntarily for procurements according to EU procurement law as far as reasonably possible. Koelnmesse is, however, not a public contractor so that formal EU procurement law including the special system of legal protection is not applicable by law. The details on the process of the respective bid for tender are governed in the announcement and in the terms of application.
Koelnmesse GmbH
Central Purchasing Department
Messeplatz 1
50679 Cologne
Fax +49 221 821-3436
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