No Copy! – Originals only!

Koelnmesse aims to eliminate product piracy
Counterfeiting hurts the economy and leads to unfair advantages among the exhibitors at trade fairs. Through the “No Copy! – Originals only!” initiative, Koelnmesse is combating product piracy at its events. To this end, it is cooperating closely with the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, the Zentralstelle für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz (Central Industrial Property Rights Office) and the police of the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. If necessary, the “No Copy!” service can provide contact information for exhibitors that are looking for lawyers who specialize in the field of industrial property rights.
At trade fairs, where product piracy is an especial risk, “No Copy!” is present on site with an information desk that serves exhibitors and visitors as a central source of information about issues related to industrial property rights. In addition, experts from the German Patent and Trade Mark Office and intellectual property rights lawyers are in attendance at some events.
You can find further information and contact information our “No Copy! – Originals only” brochure.